Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Causes of the Russian Revolution

Causes of the Russian Revolution Russia in the late 19th and early 20th century was a massive empire, stretching from Poland to the Pacific. In 1914, the country was home to approximately 165 million people representing a diverse range of languages, religions, and cultures. Ruling such a massive state was no easy task, especially as the long-term problems within Russia eroded the Romanov monarchy. In 1917, this decay finally produced a revolution, sweeping the old system away. While the turning point for the revolution is widely accepted as World War I, but the revolution was not an inevitable byproduct of war and there are long-term causes that are equally important to recognize. Peasant Poverty In 1916, a full three-quarters of the Russian population was comprised of peasants who lived and farmed in small villages. In theory, their life had improved in 1861, before which they were serfs who were owned and could be traded by their landowners. 1861 saw the serfs freed and issued with small amounts of land, but in return, they had to pay back a sum to the government, and the result was a mass of small farms deeply in debt. The state of agriculture in central Russia was poor. Standard farming techniques were deeply out of date and there was little hope for real progress thanks to widespread illiteracy and lack of capital.  Families lived just above the subsistence level, and around 50 percent had a member who had left the village to find other work, often in the towns. As the central Russian population boomed, land became scarce. This way of life contrasted sharply with those of rich landowners, who held 20 percent  of the land in large estates and were often members of the Russian upper class. The western and southern reaches of the massive Russian Empire were slightly different, with a larger number of reasonably well-off peasants and large commercial farms. The result was, by 1917, a mass of disaffected peasants, angry at increased attempts to control them by the people who profited from the land without directly working it. The vast majority of peasants were firmly against developments outside the village and desired autonomy.Although the vast majority of the Russia population was made up of rural peasants and urban ex-peasants, the upper and middle classes knew little of real peasant life. But they were familiar with the myths: of down to earth, angelic, pure communal life. Legally, culturally, socially, the peasants in over half a million settlements were organized by centuries of community rule. The mirs, self-governing communities of peasants, were separate from elites and the middle class. But this was not a joyous, lawful commune; it was a desperate struggling sy stem fuelled by the human weaknesses of rivalry, violence, and theft, and everywhere was run by elder patriarchs. Within the peasantry, a break was emerging between the elders and the growing population of young, literate peasants in a deeply-ingrained culture of violence.  Prime Minister Pyor Stolypin’s land reforms of the years before 1917 attacked the peasant concept of family ownership, a highly-respected custom reinforced by centuries of folk tradition.  In central Russia, the peasant population was rising and the land was running out, so all eyes were on the elites who were forcing the debt-ridden peasants to sell land for commercial use. Ever more peasants traveled to the cities in search of work. There, they urbanized and adopted a new, more cosmopolitan worldview- one that often looked down on the peasant lifestyle they left behind. Cities were highly overcrowded, unplanned, poorly paid, dangerous and unregulated. Upset with class, at odds with their bosses and elites, a new urban culture was forming.   When the free labor of the serfs disappeared, the old elites were forced to adapt to a capitalist, industrialized farming landscape. As a result, the panicked elite class was forced to sell off their land and, in turn, declined. Some, like Prince G. Lvov (the first democratic Prime Minister of Russia) found ways to continue their farm businesses. Lvov became a zemstvo  (local community) leader, building roads, hospitals, schools and other community resources. Alexander III feared the zemstvos, calling them overly-liberal. The government agreed and created new laws that attempted to reel them in. Land captains would be sent out to enforce Tsarist rule and counter the liberals. This and other counter-reforms ran right into the reformers and set the tone for a struggle that the Tsar would not necessarily win. A Growing and Politicized Urban Workforce The industrial revolution came to Russia largely in the 1890s, with ironworks, factories and the associated elements of industrial society. While the development was neither as advanced nor as swift as in a country like Britain, Russia’s cities began to expand and large numbers of peasants moved to the cities to take up new jobs. By the turn of the nineteenth to twentieth centuries, these tightly packed and expanding urban areas were experiencing problems like poor and cramped housing, unfair wages, and dwindling rights for workers. The government was afraid of the developing urban class but more afraid of driving foreign investment away by supporting better wages, and there was a consequent lack of legislation on behalf of the workers.  These workers swiftly began to grow more politically-engaged and chaffed against government restrictions on their protests. This created a fertile ground for the socialist revolutionaries who moved between cities and exile in Siberia. In ord er to try and counter the spread of anti-Tsarist ideology, the government formed legal but neutered trade unions to take the place of the banned but powerful equivalents. In 1905, and 1917, heavily politicized socialist workers played a major role, although there were many different factions and beliefs under the umbrella of ‘socialism’. Tsarist Autocracy, A Lack of Representation and a Bad Tsar Russia was ruled by an emperor called the Tsar, and for three centuries this position had been held by the Romanov family. 1913 saw the 300-year celebrations in a vast festival of pomp, pageantry, social class and expense. Few people had an idea the end of Romanov rule was so close, but the festival was designed to enforce a view of the Romanovs as personal rulers. All it fooled were the Romanovs themselves. They ruled alone, with no true representative bodies: even the Duma, an elected body created in 1905, could be completely ignored by the Tsar when he wished to, and he did. Freedom of expression was limited, with censorship of books and newspapers, while a secret police operated to crush dissent, frequently either executing people or sending them to exile in Siberia.The result was an autocratic regime under which republicans, democrats, revolutionaries, socialists and others were all increasingly desperate for reform, yet impossibly fragmented. Some wanted violent change, others peaceful, but as opposition to the Tsar was banned, opponents were increasingly driven to more radical measures. There was a strong reforming – essentially westernizing – movement in Russia during the mid-nineteenth century under Alexander II, with elites split between reform and entrenchment. A constitution was being written when Alexander II was assassinated in 1881. His son, and his son in turn (Nicholas II), reacted against the reform, not only halting it but starting a counter-reform of centralized, autocratic government.The Tsar in 1917 - Nicholas II - has sometimes been accused of lacking the will to govern. Some historians have concluded that this wasn’t the case; the problem was that Nicholas was determined to govern while lacking any idea or ability to run an autocracy properly. That Nicholas’ answer to the crises facing the Russian regime – and the answer of his father - was to look back to the seventeenth century and try to resurrect an almost late-medieval system, instead of reforming and modernizing Russia, was a major problem and source of disc ontent which directly led to the revolution. Tsar Nicholas II held to three tenants drawn on earlier Tsars: The tsar was the owner of all of Russia, a fiefdom with him as lord, and all trickled down from him.The Tsar ruled what God had given, unrestrained, checked by no earthly power.The people of Russia loved their Tsar as a tough father. If this was out of step with the west and emerging democracy, it was out of step with Russia itself. Many Russians objected to these tenets, embracing western ideals as an alternative to the tradition of tsarism. Meanwhile, the tsars ignored this growing sea change, reacting  Alexander II’s assassination not by reforming but by retreating to medieval foundations. But this was Russia, and there wasn’t even one kind of autocracy. ‘Petrine’ autocracy derived from Peter the Great’s western vision, organized royal power through laws, bureaucracy, and systems of government. Alexander III, heir of the murdered reformer Alexander II, tried to react, and sent it all back to Tsar centric, personalized ‘Muscovite’ autocracy. Petrine bureaucracy in the nineteenth century had become interested in reforming, connected to the people, and the people wanted a constitution. Alexander IIIs son Nicholas II was also Muscovite and tried to turn things back to the seventeenth century to a greater extent. Even dress code was considered. Added to this was the idea of the good tsar: it was the boyars, the aristocrats, the other landowners who were bad, and it was the tsar who protected you, rather than being an evil dictator. Russia was running out of people who believed it.Nicholas was not interested in politics, was poorly edu cated in the nature of Russia, and not trusted by his father. He was not a natural ruler of an autocracy. When Alexander III died in 1894, the disinterested and somewhat clueless Nicholas took over. Shortly after, when the stampede of a huge crowd, lured by free food and rumors of low stocks, resulted in mass death, the new Tsar kept partying. This did not win him any support from the citizenry. On top of this, Nicholas was selfish and unwilling to share his political power. Even able men who wished to change the future of Russian, like Stolypin, faced in the Tsar a man who resented them. Nicholas wouldn’t disagree to people’s faces, would take decisions based weakly, and would only see ministers singly so as not to be overwhelmed. Russian government lacked the ability and effectiveness it needed because the tsar wouldn’t delegate, or supportable officials. Russia had a vacuum that would not react to a changing, revolutionary world.The Tsarina, bought up in Britain, disliked by elites and felt to be a stronger person than Nicholas also came to believe in the medieval way to rule: Russia was not like the UK, and she and her husband did not need to be liked. She had a strength to push Nicholas around, but when she gave birth to a hemophiliac son and heir she drifted harder into church and mysticism looking for a cure that she thought she found in the con man mystic, Rasputin. Relationships between the Tsarina and Rasputin eroded the support of the army and aristocracy.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Legal Drinking Age in Canada

The Legal Drinking Age in Canada The legal drinking age in Canada is the minimum age at which a person is allowed to buy and drink alcohol, and right now it is 18 for Alberta, Manitoba, and Quà ©bec and 19 for the rest of the country. In Canada, each province and territory  determines its own legal drinking age. Legal  Drinking Age in Canadas Provinces and Territories   Alberta: 18British Columbia: 19Manitoba: 18New Brunswick: 19Newfoundland and Labrador: 19Northwest Territories: 19Nova Scotia: 19Nunavut: 19Ontario: 19Prince Edward Island: 19Quà ©bec: 18  Saskatchewan: 19Yukon Territory: 19 Growing Concern About Alcohol Overconsumption A growing problem of rising and overconsumption of alcohol, particularly among young adults just at the legal drinking age, has raised alarms in Canada.   Since 2000 and  the release of the Canada Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines in 2011, the first such national guidelines, many Canadians have been on a mission to reduce alcohol consumption across the board. Much research has been done on how harmful even moderate alcohol consumption can be and the  serious long-term effects on  young adults ages 18/19–24, when risky alcohol consumption peaks.   The Effect of Canadian Drinking-Age Laws A 2014 study by a scientist with the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) Faculty of Medicine concludes that Canada’s drinking-age laws have a significant impact on youth mortality. Writing in the international journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Dr. Russell Callaghan, a UNBC  Associate Professor of Psychiatry, argues that, when compared to Canadian males slightly younger than the minimum legal drinking age, young men who are just older than the drinking age have significant and abrupt increases in mortality, especially from injuries and motor vehicle accidents. â€Å"This evidence demonstrates that drinking-age legislation has a significant effect on reducing mortality among youth, especially young males,† says Dr. Callaghan. The minimum legal drinking age is 18 years of age in Alberta, Manitoba, and Quà ©bec, and 19 in the rest of the country. Using national Canadian death data from 1980 to 2009, researchers examined the causes of deaths of individuals who died between 16 and 22 years of age. They found that immediately following the minimum legal drinking age, male deaths due to injuries rose sharply by ten to 16 percent, and male deaths due to motor vehicle accidents increased suddenly by 13 to 15 percent. Increases in mortality also appeared immediately following the legislated drinking age for 18-year-old females, but these jumps were relatively small. According to the research, increasing the drinking age to 19 in Alberta, Manitoba, and Quà ©bec would prevent seven deaths of 18-year-old men each year. Raising the drinking age to 21 across the country would prevent 32 annual deaths of male youth 18 to 20 years old. â€Å"Many provinces, including British Columbia, are undertaking alcohol-policy reforms,† Dr. Callaghan said. â€Å"Our research shows that there are substantial social harms associated with youth drinking. These adverse consequences need to be carefully considered when we develop new provincial alcohol policies. I hope these results will help inform the public and policymakers in Canada about the serious costs associated with hazardous drinking among young people.† High Canadian  Alcohol Prices Tempt Importers There has been a movement to encourage lower consumption by  increasing or maintaining the overall price  of alcohol through interventions, such as excise taxes and indexing prices to inflation. Such pricing, according to the Canadian Center on Substance Abuse, would encourage production and consumption of lower-strength alcoholic beverages. Establishing minimum prices, the CCSA said, could remove inexpensive sources of alcohol often favored by young adults and other high-risk drinkers. Higher prices are seen as a disincentive to youth drinking, but lower-priced alcohol is readily available across the border in the United States. Both  visitors and Canadians are tempted to bring in large quantities of alcoholic beverages bought in the United States, which can be about half the price of such drinks in Canada.   How Much Duty-Free Alcohol Can Visitors Bring?​ If you are a Canadian or a visitor to Canada, you are allowed to bring a small quantity of alcohol (wine, liquor, beer, or coolers) into the country without having to pay duty or taxes as long as: the alcohol accompanies you.you meet the minimum  legal drinking age  for the province or territory at which you enter Canada.   Canadians and visitors  may bring in  only  one of the following.  If larger quantities are imported, the entire amount will assess duties, not just the amount exceeding these duty-free quantities: 1.5 liters (50.7 U.S. fluid ounces) of wine, including wine coolers over 0.5 percent alcohol. This is equivalent to (up to) 53 fluid ounces or two 750 ml bottles of wine.  1.14 liters (38.5 US fluid ounces) of liquor. This is equivalent to  (up to)  40 fluid ounces  or one large standard bottle of liquor.  Up to 8.5 liters of beer or ale, including beer coolers with more than 0.5 percent alcohol. This is equivalent to 287.4 US fluid ounces or about 24 cans or bottles (355 ml or 12.004 US fluid ounces each). For Canadians  returning after a stay in the U.S., the amount of personal exemption is dependent on how long an individual was out of the country. The highest exemptions accrue after stays of more than 48 hours. If Canadians have been on a day trip to the United States,  all the alcohol brought back to Canada will be subject to the usual duties and taxes.  In 2012, Canada changed exemption limits to more closely match those of the U.S. Source Callaghan, Russell. Canadian Drinking-Age Laws Have Significant Effect on Deaths Among Young Males. Matt Wood, Newsroom, University of Northern British Columbia, March 18, 2014, BC Canada. Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction. Youth Alcohol Use and Its Harms: Case Study in the Community of Sherbrooke (Report). Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, 2018, ON Canada.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Historical Anagoly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Historical Anagoly - Essay Example According to (A& E television,2001) â€Å"On September 11, 2001, at 8:45 a.m. on a clear Tuesday morning, an American Airlines Boeing 767 loaded with 20,000 gallons of jet fuel crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City†. The terrorist attack was carried out by the Al – Qaeda militant head Osama bin Laden and it gave rise to harsh rivalry between America and Islamic radical group. Since then the most mind boggling historical event was the killing of Osama bin Laden by American militants. The radical leader who swayed American government and security of the nation was killed in a remote Pakistani residence. The terrorist leader was killed and submerged in the sea by the American government and this was a pivotal achievement for the American government. The terrorist attack on World Trade Centre was a moment of threat, danger and insecurity for America but with the killing of Osama bin laden, the country gained the confidence and approval of i ts citizen. Fear of attack The America in its history has never undergone such an attack where the nation lost many of its citizen and right of freedom to act or survive in a peaceful environment. The country was living in fear as the reality was frightening where anytime one could face death or injury without short notice. The smell of death was everywhere, people were scared to step out of house or attend work. They believed and were alerted that any unknown baggage or suspicious man could be a radical element which could denote bomb or explosive. Frankly speaking, America was a safe country and every citizen had the right to live in a peaceful environment. However, with this attack, the country was the least secure nation as the radical elements seared to destroy the nation at any cost. At the same time, the Islamic militants were rejoicing at their success of mutilating America. They believed the culture and strategy of America were to destroy other nation and Islam as the only true religion should abolish Christianity and their cultural practice. The Al – Qaeda which was formulated by Osama bin Laden for the protection of Muslims under attack by America grew to be a large organization which had branches worldwide. They trained suicide bombers and convinced them to fight for the religion. The rigorous religious practice and training give way to September 11 attack which gave joy and success to Osama led Al Qaeda group. According to (Baldor,2013) â€Å"U.S. special operations forces who participated in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden were in uniform and wearing nametags during a CIA award ceremony attended by the writer of the film "Zero Dark Thirty," a Pentagon inspector general's report said Friday† The politics of the event Everybody knows that America as a powerful nation want all countries at their feet. The country had been enemy to many developing nation s as they ruled according to their will and wants their counterparts at their subjugation. The country had a major hand in attacking Afghanis along with Russia. The Osama bin laden has many times confessed that this union of America with Russia has sparked vengeance in him against America. He declared that the Saudi chose him to be a representative to fight against atheist America and Russia. It is a fact that Russians and America as westerners wanted to destroy the solidarity and unity of the growing

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Management Efficiency Impact on Performance within CocaCola Dissertation

Management Efficiency Impact on Performance within CocaCola - Dissertation Example Coca Cola has been awarded severally for its management and market status the world over. The company has employed different management theories in different countries of operation to suit the market and human resource requirements. Betsy Morris a CNN-Money correspondent reported in her feature on Coca Cola management noted that the company’s management style directly impacted on delivery and profits. The early 2000s saw the company slur but the recent years of good management have seen it rise again. The theories of change management have seen the company record all time high profits in the last two years. Research Strategy and Methodology The evaluation process will use two instruments, the interview and the survey, to collect information on the intended Coca Cola project. The interview will be carried out on the top management of the company to gauge the management style. The process should run in a scheduled time frame of fourteen (14) weeks. The interview method provides detailed information and can develop relationships among participants. The limitations of this method are that it takes large amounts of time, can be costly and participants may feel uncomfortable. It is also hard to get time with the top brass management for the interview. The interviews should therefore be conducted face to face, over the phone or internet video calls and through emails. The second activity is to design surveys to be filled in anonymously by the low and midlevel workers of the company in different states.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Birthright citizenship in the United States of America Essay Example for Free

Birthright citizenship in the United States of America Essay In â€Å"Americanism,† Theodore Roosevelt describes the meaning of hyphenated Americans and their lives in the United States. There was no room in Roosevelt’s America for immigrants or sons of immigrants, who cling to the speech, the customs, the way of life, and the habits of thought from the old world which they have left. The hyphenated American is not an American at all. Those immigrants who hyphenated their Americanism, modifying it with the land of their or their parents’ birth, were and could not be true Americans. These Americans also can vote and be the primarily citizen of a foreign country. Roosevelt writes that the foreign-born population must be an Americanized population. They must talk the language of its native-born fellow-citizens; possess American citizenship, American ideas and maintain an American standard of living. The immigrants must not to be allowed to drift or to be put at the mercy of the exploiter. According to Roosevelt, America cannot afford to keep a lot of immigrants as industrial assets and not as human beings. We also cannot pay low wages to immigrants, and keep immigrants working on American mines, railways or working in our munitions plants because it is dangerous. All United States citizens must stand shoulder to shoulder for the elimination of race and religious prejudice. We must also improve maintenance of the American standard of living; direct every national resource, material and spiritual, and train our people to overcome difficulties. We can do all this work in a democratic country where all people have equal rights and hopes for a good future life.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Processing a Crime Scene Essay -- Crime Scene Investigation

There are several steps that need to be taken in order to process a crime scene. Some of the steps include: securing the scene, a detailed search, documenting the crime scene, collecting and preserving evidence, and finally releasing the scene. All of the following steps are crucial to avoid any possible contamination or otherwise compromise the scene before it can be released. Few, if any additional opportunities exist when processing a crime scene, so the first time is most pertinent. First responders play a crucial role in the establishment of a crime scene. Upon arriving at the scene, the first responders have checked for living victims and have rendered aid. It’s important to create a perimeter around the crime scene (this can be altered if additional evidence is found outside the initial crime scene). Only emergency personnel should enter and exit from the central entry point to control contamination, by creating an exit point; it helps avoid any excessive traffic through the crime scene. By secure the scene to ensure that no evidence is misplaced or damaged, or otherwise compromised. Do a cursory check of the crime scene to obtain any transient evidence and secure any weapons found at the scene (in this case it was already at the scene with the suspect). Crime scene analysts and investigators communicate with first responders and are quickly briefed on the situation, and now a more thorough search can be conducted. A scene search is necessary to find evidence such as shell casings, biological evidence etc. At the time, a more detailed, extensive search will begin. Investigators have made their initial notations of the scene and created their hypothesis of the crime. The survey is an organizational stage to plan ... ...ditional visits to the crime scene could cause a compromise if entered into evidence at trial. Works Cited Gaensslen, R. E., Harris, H A., & Lee, H. (2008). Introduction to Forensic Science and Criminalistics. New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. . National Institute of Justice (2004, June). Crime Scene Investigation: A Reference for Law Enforcement Training. Retrieved June 3, 2011, from http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/200160.pdf Razzaq, N. Z. (2008). Visual Documentation in Crime Scene Investigations. Retrieved June 3, 2011, from http://policelink.monster.com/training/articles/17221-visual-documentation-in-crime-scene-investigations Technical Working Group on Crime Scene Investigation (2000, January). Crime Scene Invesitgation: A Guide for Law Enforcement. Retrieved May 26, 2011, from http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/178280.pdf

Monday, November 11, 2019

Biology level

This causes a decrease in lung pressure, (intrapulmonary pressure) which establishes the pressure gradient from the atmosphere (1 59 meg) to the alveoli (105 meg) which then results INSPIRATION. As oxygen is inhaled it enters the external mares (nostrils), from the external mares it moves into the nasal cavity which functions in moistening, filtering and warming of the air. After the nasal cavity the air moves into the internal mares which is located behind the soft pallet of the roof of the mouth.Once the air moves through the internal mares it moves down into the pharynx which is the passageway for food and IR, it then moves down into the larynx which is the first part of the trachea. The larynx contains the epiglottis which is a cartilage flap that restricts food from going into the air pipe, and vice versa. As air moves down from the pharynx into the larynx the epiglottis closes the esophagi and opens the passageway for the air, to go through the glottis into the trachea. The tra chea is lined with a mucous membrane which catches any debris that is left in the air.The trachea then forms 2 primary bronchi, one for the left lung and one for the right lung. The primary bronchi attach he trachea to the lung. The primary bronchi then branch out into secondary bronchi which form the lobes of the lung. The left lung contains 2 secondary bronchi resulting in 2 lobes and the right lung contains 3 secondary bronchi which result in 3 lobes. The secondary bronchi then branch into tertiary bronchi, these then branch into smaller tubules called bronchioles.The first part of the bronchioles is known as the terminal bronchioles, which then sub-divide into respiratory bronchioles. The respiratory bronchioles then sub-divide into alveolar ducts; around the recurrence of the alveolar ducts are numerous alveoli and alveolar sacs. Alveolar sacs consist of two types of alveoli which share a common opening. The two types of alveoli are type 1 and type 2 cells. Type 1 cells have a continuous lining of the alveolar wall, and type 2 cells are called septa cells and are found between type 1 cells, they are also fewer in number.Type 1 alveolar cells are the main alveolar cells for gas exchange. Once 02 has reached the alveolus it can then diffuse into the capillaries. The process of diffusion is when pressures move from a higher pressure to a rower pressure through a pressure gradient. Oxygen is able to move from the atmosphere to the alveoli because it has a APP of McHugh and the Alveoli has a APP of McHugh. Once the oxygen moves from the atmosphere through the air passage into the alveoli it can then diffuse into the capillaries where APP is McHugh. 2 is able to move from the alveoli into the capillaries due to the process of diffusion (high pressure to low pressure through a pressure gradient). Once the 02 enters the capillaries it is then picked up by erythrocytes (RUB ‘s) where it attached to the hammed portion of the hemoglobin. APP in the blood is Mc Hugh. Once the 02 is in the Orb's it can then diffuse into the tissues where the APP is 40 meg. As oxygen is being inspired, CO is being expired in the opposite direction. CO starts off in the tissues at a APPC of 45 meg, it then diffuses into the capillaries where its APPC is might.Once the CO is in the capillaries it can then attach to RUB where the degenerated blood now has a APPC of might. Once in the red blood cells the CO can then diffuse into the alveoli where APPC is might. Once the CO enters the alveoli, the respiratory muscles then relax. Which then leads to the decrease in the size of the thorax, increase in thoracic pressure, decrease in lung size, and increase in lung pressure, which established the pressure gradient from the alveoli to the atmosphere, which the results in EXPIRATION.Once oxygen enters the capillaries from the alveoli it attaches to the hammed portion of the hemoglobin. A hemoglobin molecule consists of a protein called globing. Globing is made up of 4 polypeptide chain, each polypeptide chain contains a hammed portion, and at the center of each hammed portion is an iron molecule that oxygen can attach to. Therefore each hemoglobin molecule consists of 4 oxygen molecules. The oxygenated blood will then travel from the lungs, through the pulmonary veins, back into the left atrium of the heart.The AS node will then send an impulse to the VA node. The AS node functions as a ‘pacemaker' of the heart which sets its rhythm. The AS node makes sure that the ventricle and the atria do not contract at the same time. Once the impulse is sent to the VA node, it is then passed on to the VA bundles, also known as the Bundle of His. The VA bundles then branch in to 2 different ranches, the right and left, which then move down the septum into the pureeing fibers.Forcing the blood through the bicuspid valve, into the left ventricle, which then open the aortic seminar valve, forcing the blood through the aorta, into the abdominal aorta, then into the common iliac artery, through the external iliac artery, to the femoral artery, which will then lead the blood to the deep artery of the thigh. The blood will then flow into the quadriceps of the muscle where there is an open wound, and this is where the blood will begin to clot. Blood Clotting or Coagulation is a complex sequence of events (chemical reactions) that causes blood to go from liquid to gel.Consistency of blood is due to the formation of a network of fibers consisting of fibrin protein and it involves more than a dozen chemicals called clotting factors. Clotting factions include Ca ions phosphoric associated with lipids and a mixture of lepidopterist and phosphoric released from damaged tissues. The blood clotting process involves three major stages. 1) formation of praiseworthiness, 2) formation of thrombi, 3) and the formation of fibrin. For this specific case there is an open wound in the quadriceps, which triggers the body to use the extrinsic clotting mecha nism.The extrinsic clotting mechanism is used when there is tissue damage, bleeding and when the body is in need of rapid clot formation, this occurs within a few seconds. The damaged tissue then releases a ‘ 'tissue factor' ‘ known as thermoplastic into the blood. The thermoplastic then activated a protein in the plasma called factor x, with the aid of calcium this then forms the enzyme known as praiseworthiness. Praiseworthiness is an enzyme that converts promoting to thrombi.Promoting is an inactive enzyme in the plasma, with the help of praiseworthiness it can be converted to thrombi which is an activated enzyme. For thrombi to be active ca+ must be presence. Thrombi is an activated enzyme which converts forefinger to fibrin. Forefinger are soluble clotting proteins in plasma, this is then converted to fibrin with the help of thrombi. Fibrin are insoluble thread like proteins, which form across the wound, which form a net like structure that traps platelets and RUB à ¢â‚¬Ëœs which creates a plug across the wound, which results in a stoppage of bleeding. Question 2:

Saturday, November 9, 2019

All Summer in a Day Essay

All Summer in a Day Essay In the shorty story, All Summer in a Day, by Ray Bradbury, the author expresses a tone of enthusiasm and excitement. On the planet Venus, the sun only comes out once every seven years, and when it does, it only stays out for about two hours. Margot is a 9 year old girl who was only two years old the last time her eyes met the luminous sunlight. She has dreamt about this day ever since she made that contact, and today is finally the day that she gets to feel that warm sun beaming down on her again.Because she was so caught up in her own little creative world, dreaming about this day, Margot typically shut the rest of the world out, which included her fellow class mates. Margot’s class mates don’t like her so they pick on her, and bully her every single day, all due to Margot not wanting to play games and sing songs with them unless they have something to do with the sun coming out. As a result of their hatred for her, the students decided to loc k Margot in the closet when the teacher decides leave the room for a few minutes to prevent her from seeing the sun come out.All of the children surround the window as they know that something magnificent is about to occur. The typical rainy weather finally comes to a stop and everything becomes absolutely silent. So silent that they can hear each others presence. They can’t even hear Margot ‘s pounding on the walls of the closet doors begging to be released. As the sun at last creeps through the mist of the ugly rain clouds in the sky, the children are filled with joy and playfulness. Just then, the teacher comes back into the room and shouts â€Å"Who wants to play! All of the children race outside to play in the glorious sunlight and let the fire burn their craving bodies. Page 8 describes the terrain and environment of plant Venus at this very moment, â€Å"They stopped running and stood in the great jungle that covered Venus, that grew and never stopped growing, tumultuously, even as you watched it. It was a nest of octopi, clustering up great arms of flesh-like weed, wavering, flowering this brief spring. It was the color of rubber and ash, this jungle, from the many years without sun. It was the color of stones and white cheeses and ink, and it was the color of the moon. One girl suddenly screamed out of no where as she opened her palms to a terrifying drop of rain. This marked the childrens’ last thirty seconds of their brief, glorious spring time. When the children finally got shoved back inside in class room by the adrenaline rush of the thunderous lightening from the hideous gray sky, they remembered that Margot was still locked locked in the closet and began to feel bad as they slowly creeped open the doors to let her out. Margot had missed the chance to make her wildest dreams come true.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Impacts of Felony Convictions Warrants for Social Security Benefits

Impacts of Felony Convictions Warrants for Social Security Benefits Felony Convictions and Warrants Impact Social Security Benefits Not all felony convictions and warrants will keep an individual from collecting Social Security Disability and SSI.Specifically, an individual will not be eligible for these benefits if the physical or mental disability was created or aggravated (but only to the extent of the aggravation) while committing a felony or while imprisoned for a felony conviction after October 19, 1980.[i] A felony conviction is required; an official act by law enforcement or even a grand jury indictment that does not arise to a conviction will not automatically delay eligibility or payment of benefits. The conviction rule will even apply to suspend benefits if the individual appeals the conviction to a higher court, unless and until the conviction no longer stands.Further, benefits will not be paid to an individual while imprisoned for a felony or misdemeanor unless participating in an approved vocational rehabilitation program. After 30 days of incarceration, benefits are suspended and will only be re-in stated once released. However, if the incarceration is longer, resulting in a suspension lasting 12 or more months, a new disability application will need to be filed with Social Security. Similarly, an individual who violates the terms of their probation or parole will not be entitled to benefits during that month(s). If the case is pending trial or appeal, SSA’s role is to make a disability determination then set a diary to check if there is a conviction. Ultimately, if a conviction stands, the case will then be returned to Disability Determination Services, the Administrative Law Judge, or the Appeals Council, depending on the case, to review for possible reopening and reversal.Moreover, outstanding warrants may also disqualify an individual for benefits. On September 24, 2009, the US District Court for the Northern District of California decided the case of Martinez v. Astrue, approving a nationwide class action settlement agreement.[ii] The Martinez case limited the natu re of warrants that would otherwise disqualify an individual from collecting benefits.[iii] As a result, effective April 1, 2009, SSA can only suspend or deny benefits based on outstanding felony arrest warrants for: escape from custody; flight to avoid prosecution or confinement; and flight-escape.[iv] If you or someone you know had benefits stopped or suspended due to a warrant issued before April 1, 2009, it’s important to contact an experienced attorney immediately. We can help recover benefits that were wrongfully stopped or suspended, even if it resulted in an overpayment. Call us today at (800) 949-2900.[i] Note: this law applies to claims for Social Security Disability, Childhood Disability Benefits, and Disabled Widows, Widowers, and Survivors Benefits. Â  See SSR 83-21: Title II: Persons Convicted of a Felony.[ii] See GN 02613.860 Martinez Court Case Settlement. [iii]The benefits covered under the Martinez decision include Social Security Retirement Survivors and D isability Insurance, Supplemental Security Income, and Special Veterans Benefits.[iv] Id. For a list of warrant offenses that are not covered under the Martinez settlement retroactive relief process, see GN 02613.885C.3.b.Blog Post Provided By:Disability Attorneys of Michigan 30500 Van Dyke Ave, Ste. 400 Warren, Michigan 48093 Phone: (800) 949-2900

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Edgar Allan Poes Philosophy of Death

Edgar Allan Poe's Philosophy of Death Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote: Talent alone cannot make the writer. There must be a man behind the book. There was a man behind The Cask of Amontillado, The Fall of the House of Usher, The Black Cat, and poems like Annabel Lee and  The Raven. That man- Edgar Allan Poe- was talented, but he was also eccentric and prone to alcoholism- having experienced more than his share of tragedies. But, what stands out even more prominently than the tragedy of Edgar Allan Poes life is his philosophy of death. Early Life Orphaned at the age of two,  Edgar Allan Poe was taken in by John Allan. Although Poes foster father educated him and provided for him, Allan eventually disinherited him. Poe was left penniless, earning a meager living by writing reviews, stories, literary criticism, and poetry. All of his writing and his editorial work was not enough to bring him and his family above the level of mere subsistence, and his drinking made it difficult for him to hold a job. Inspiration for Horror Arising from such a stark background, Poe has become a classical phenomenon, known for the gothic horror  he created in The Fall of the House of Usher and other works. Who can forget The Tell-Tale Heart and The Cask of Amontillado? Every Halloween those stories come to haunt us. On the darkest night, when we sit around the campfire and tell horrible tales, Poes stories of horror, grotesque death, and madness are told again. Why did he write about such horrible events? About the calculated and murderous entombment of Fortunato, as he writes, A succession of loud and shrill screams, bursting suddenly from the throat of the chained form, seemed to thrust me violently back. For a brief moment- I trembled. Was it disillusionment with life that drove him to these grotesque scenes? Or was it some acceptance that death was inevitable and horrible, that it sneaks up like a thief in the night, leaving madness and tragedy in its wake? Or, is it something more to do with the last lines of The Premature Burial? There are moments when, even to the sober eye of Reason, the world of our sad Humanity may assume the semblance of a Hell... Alas! The grim legion of sepulchral terrors cannot be regarded as altogether fanciful... they must sleep, or they will devour us- they must be suffered to slumber, or we perish. Perhaps death offered some answer for Poe. Perhaps escape. Perhaps only more questions- about why he still lived, why his life was so hard, why his genius was so little recognized. He died as he had lived: a tragic, pointless death. Found in the gutter, apparently the victim of an election gang who used alcoholics to vote for their candidate. Taken to a hospital, Poe died four days later and was buried in a Baltimore cemetery next to his wife. If he was not well-loved in his time (or at least not as well-appreciated as he might have been), his tales at least have taken on a life of their own. Hes recognized as the founder of the detective story (for works like The Purloined Letter, the best of his detective stories). He has influenced culture and literature; and his figure is placed beside the literary greats in history for his poetry, literary criticism, stories, and other works. His view of death may have been filled with darkness, foreboding, and disillusionment. But, his works have lasted beyond the horror to become classics.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Mortgage Law and the Vitiating Factors Case Study

Mortgage Law and the Vitiating Factors - Case Study Example The circumstance of evidential presumption comes to the fore when there existed a relationship of trust and confidence along with the happening of a transaction that calls for an explanation. These facts need to be proved in order to establish that there is prima facie evidence to claim that the transaction took place under undue influence. "The evidential burden gets shifted to the stronger party to counter the inference that he or she exercised undue influence on the weaker party." 1 Thus the presumption of undue influence is based on two elements; (i) existence of relationship of trust and confidence and (ii) there was entered a transaction that calls for explanation. There are certain established relationships of trust and confidence like that exists between guardian and ward, parent and child, religious leaders and disciples, doctor and patient and solicitor and client.2 With the proof of the relationship it becomes the legal presumption that there existed a relationship of influence between the parties. The relationship of influence can also be proved by the facts of the case. ... It is important that "a relationship of trust and confidence, reliance, dependence or vulnerability on one side and ascendancy, domination or control on the other side". It needs to be further proved that this relationship has made the vulnerable party agree with the course of action as suggested by the party who was dominant and that the situation was exploited fully to his/her advantage by the dominant party.3 However it is not necessary that there should be a continued existence of the state of dependence for arriving at evidential presumption.4 Therefore the important issue is the use of the influence in an undue manner and not its existence. The abuse of the trust placed by one party on another is considered critical. When it comes to the question of identifying what types of relationships give rise to trust and confidence it is observed in many of the cases people who are young and impressionable or elderly who are under some amount of physical or mental incapacity are being exploited to be unduly influenced.5 Then come the question of the measure of confidence and trust that needs to be placed on the other person. There are some distinguishing characteristics which decide the measure of trust and confidence like a duty on person A to adviser person B or the dominant position that person A possesses over person B. The dominant position may be real or potential. It is also observed that in all undue influence cases either of these characteristic features is present. However there cannot be a list of relationship that may give rise to trust and confidence since there are an infinite number of relationships that will result in trust. It is necessary to consider that whether one party has placed sufficient trust and confidence on